Canada Soccer Pathway
The Canada Soccer Pathway provides a roadmap for players of all ages and aspirations who want to play soccer at the recreation, competitive or high performance EXCEL levels, with the aim of encouraging lifelong participation. The Pathway is built around the principles of Long-Term Player Development (LTPD).
Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) is a CSA soccer-specific adaptation of the Long-Term Athlete Development model (LTPD) developed by Canadian Sport Centres. LTPD is a scientific model for periodized athlete training and development that respects and utilizes the natural stages of physical, mental, and emotional growth in athletes. Like the LTPD program, LTPD is designed to:
1. Promote lifelong enjoyment of physical activity.
2. Provide a structured player development pathway.
3. Describe best practices for elite player development.
4. Create long-term excellence.

Canada Soccer and BC Soccer Technical resources
Click Here - Canada Soccer Resources - Wellness to World Cup
Click Here - Canada Soccer Resource - Coach's Tool Kit - Stage One - Active Start
Click Here - Canada Soccer Resource - Coach's Tool Kit - Stage Two - Fundamentals
Click Here - Canada Soccer Resource - Coach's Tool Kit - Stage Three - Learn to Train
Click Here - B.C. Soccer Resource - Small Sided Club Development Manual
Click Here - BC Soccer Resource - The Educated Parent

Premier Soccer Academy Risk Management
All coaches within Premier Academy (coaches, assistant coaches, managers) are required to have a Criminal Records Check done. This is a BC Soccer regulation and is not optional. In order to participate in Premier sponsored events, coaches, assistant coaches, and managers must have a CRC on file.
BC Soccer Risk Management Policy:
BC Soccer Rule 21 – Risk Management
a) Every volunteer or employee of BC Soccer “the Association”, age 19 and over, who at any time could be expected in the performance of their duties to:
i) be with any minor aged person;
ii) be entrusted with performing financial duties;
iii) be responsible for book keeping or bank account(s) or any other monetary duties;
must have on file the results of a specified Criminal Record Check completed within the previous 12 months from an agency approved by the Association.
b) Every volunteer or employee of an affiliated BC Soccer organization, age 19 and over who at any time could be expected in the performance of their duties to:
i) be with any minor aged person must have on file the results of a Criminal Record Check completed within the previous 36 months from an agency approved by the Association
ii) be entrusted with performing financial duties must have on file the results of a Criminal Record Check completed within the previous 36 months from an agency approved by the Association.
iii) be responsible for book keeping, bank account(s) or any monetary duties must have on file the results of a Criminal Record Check completed within the previous 36 months from an agency approved by the Association.
c) Every Director of BC Soccer, Senior League, Youth District Association or Youth Club must have on file the results of a Criminal Record Check completed within the previous 36 months from an agency approved by the Association.
d) The type of Criminal Record Check submitted by volunteers is to be specified by BC Soccer.
BC Soccer Youth Safe Program
CLICK HERE to learn more about the YouthSafe Program

Premier Academy Soccer Parents
At Premier Academy, we encourage our parents to be excited about their children playing great soccer. We want our parents to enjoy the sport as much as the players. However, we also want parents to be aware of how to behave within a soccer club environment and how to model that great behaviour to the players.
BC Soccer have produced an excellent Guide For Soccer Parents which is full of extra guidance and information. You can download the guide HERE
The full BC Soccer policy regarding standards of conduct, ethics and behaviour is available to download HERE

Expectations for Players
I will practice and encourage good sportsmanship with all players, coaches, game officials and parents at every game, practice and event.
I realize that I have a responsibility as a member of a team sport and will do my best to support the team throughout the season. I will always try my best.
I will attend every practice, game and team event that is possible and will give my coach reasonable notice prior to any practice, game or event, if I am unable to attend.
I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches. I will treat not only my coaches but also all coaches, players and game officials with respect and I will expect to be treated with respect in return.
I will accept the decisions of coaches, team staff and officials without incident and will abide by the rules.
If I disagree with a coaching or team staff decision I will speak to my parents who may act on my behalf or I will speak to the coach or team staff directly to express my views in a respectful manner.
I deserve to have fun during my soccer season and will alert parents or coaches if it stops being fun or an enjoyable experience.
I deserve to play in an alcohol, drug and smoke free environment and expect all participants to respect my wishes.
I will refrain from using drugs or alcohol prior to all games and practices.
I will encourage my parents to be involved and support my team and me in some capacity, as it is important to me.
I will always try to be on time for games and practices.
I will remember that soccer is an opportunity to learn and to have fun.

Expectations for Coaches
I pledge to place the emotional and physical well-being of my players and game officials ahead of any personal desire to win.
I will always keep the players best interests at heart and will do my best to teach them the game of soccer through a positive attitude, good sportsmanship and fair play.
I will always strive to maximize the individual potential of each player and to provide an equal opportunity to all players while respecting each player’s level of commitment.
I will develop a team spirit and encourage each player to support one another.
I will respect players, parents and game officials, and encourage each player and parent to support and respect the game officials.
I will do my best to provide a safe and secure playing environment and facility.
I promise to review and practice the necessary first aid principles needed to assess and, where appropriate, treat injuries of my players.
I will advise and demand that my players, their parents, and assistant coaches respect all Club Codes of Conduct.
I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all players.
I will provide opportunities for all players, assistant coaches, and team staff to become knowledgeable in all rules and regulations pertaining to soccer league in which my team will be playing.
I will use soccer coaching techniques appropriate for the development of the age of the child or youth that I teach.
I will remember that I am a youth coach and the game is for the benefit and development of the children and youth.
I will praise and encourage all of my players.
I will not use inappropriate language at any time during practices and or games.
I will demand a playing environment that is free from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
I will do my best to create and maintain an enjoyable atmosphere for players, game officials and parents.

Safety of Players
Premier Academy Operational Documentation
Our Academy organization has created operational documentation that guides the organization, including our objectives, mission, values, target market and service offering, and how decisions are made. These areas all align/adhere to B.C. Soccer's Constitution & Bylaws and/or Rules & Regulations.
Our vision and mission at Premier Academy is to recruit and train young athletes who are seeking a robust soccer program with a professional mentality. Our Academy will develop anyone who is appreciative of our curriculum, playing style and mindset. Our main focus at Premier is developing players for professional pathways or university scholarships in Canada or the United States. We teach the three pillars of cognition, competence and character. We strive to foster these main attributes in athletes aged U7 through U21. Premier directors, board members, coaching staff and managers all aim to provide professional services over the course of a 12 month program cycle. Athletes will experience varied training environments such as outdoor training, indoor futsal training, age-appropriate conditioning and weight training, classroom video analysis, team building sessions and multi-sport programs where athletes can take part in such activities as martial arts, gymnastics, tennis, basketball, European handball and more. Premier provides a combination of modern curriculum with modern coaching. The coaching staff at Premier are very passionate and committed to the long term development of an athlete with regard to their technical, tactical, social and cognition development. The Academy is an owner-operated endeavour where all major decisions are made by one person. However, the input of the technical staff is valued and all viewpoints are taken into consideration.