Premier Academy has four dedicated ordering times throughout the calendar year:
July 1st -15th, November 1st - 15th, March 1st - 15th, & April 1st to April 30th
Please place your order and payment to our administration staff. Payment can be cash or e-transfer.
Note: All prices are in Canadian funds and all orders take a minimum of 4 - 6 weeks. Prices include player’s initials or last name, short or long sleeve, player’s number (if required), tax and shipping.
Game Kits
$50 $50 $25 $16
Goalie Game Kits
$50 $50 $25 $25
Training Items
$25 $25 $25 $75
Training & Travel Gear
$50 $55 $60 $55
Player Bundle - $500.00
Goalie Bundle - $500.00
Academy Bundle - $175
Coaching Items